在激动人心可歌可泣的战斗之后,克拉克和席尔顿仍然摆脱不了“天命”所注定的同归于尽的命运,但是星云世界和黑暗世界终究合二为一了。在随后而来的国内战争中,支持国王罗兰(Roland)或是他的兄弟阿齐巴德(Arvhibald)的人们都付出了惨重的代价,这就是所谓的继承战争(the Succession War)。而今天,国王失踪了整个安罗斯(Enroth)大陆陷入了空前的恐慌之中。是到了该捐弃前嫌,齐心合力用力量(Might)和魔法(Magic)来恢复这个大陆的秩序的时候了。
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上
2. 开始游戏
-Might and Magic® 6-pack: Limited Edition now includes the full speech versions of Might and Magic® IV & V: World of Xeen!
-The first six titles from one of the most recognized RPGs series, set in the famous Heroes of Might and Magic universe
-A non-linear story set in a very interactive and detailed world that will keep you hooked for weeks to come
-An impressive degree of freedom in character development and party composition